Town of Sharon Planning Board

Meeting Minutes 12/16/09

Amended and Approved on 1/13/10


Planning Board Attendees

Paul Lauenstein, Chair 

Susan Price, Vice Chair

Eli Hauser

Amanda Sloan  - Absent

David Milowe, Clerk  

Peter O’Cain, Town Engineer


Barbara Nadler – Library Director



Chair Report

·         The meeting was called to order at 7:35 PM by Chair Paul Lauenstein.

·         A brief discussion of the Planning Board’s budget occurred.


Library Presentation review

Mr. Lauenstein summarized the meeting he attended the previous evening regarding the library and needed improvements to the facility. Ms. Nadler discussed the Board of Trustee’s upcoming tour of area libraries. Mr. Lauenstein suggested the Planning Board host a public visioning session to gather residents’ ideas and needs for uses and facilities in a new library. Ms. Price suggested that it would make more sense for the Board of Trustees to host such a meeting.


The conversation continued with Mr. Lauenstein asking what is in demand in other libraries. Ms. Nadler stated that a public library represents Sharon’s core values, such as education, excellent schools and intellectual life. She said that in a public library there is no profit and no bottom line to what can be done; the benefits are mostly intangible. Mr. Milowe stated that you need to make the intangible, tangible for the purpose of convincing residents to vote for spending money on the library.  He said that you need to create a vision. Mr. Lauenstein commented that you need to sell the idea to the Town. He suggested taking pictures of other libraries as examples. Mr. Hauser suggested coming up with a wish list of ideas. He stated that the library has to tap into the emotional memories so people want to support it. He also suggested looking into public funding for the project. He stated that Barbara needs to be the project manager and has to bundle up the components of the plan. He said she needs to build an infrastructure of knowledge and should get the Standing Building Committee involved. Mr. O’Cain stated it was important to know if the lot at the Wilber site is suitable and the cost for planning and building. Mr. Lauenstein said a subcommittee should be formed to involve dynamic people to stimulate fundraising. He asked Ms. Nadler to keep the Planning Board apprised.


Bella Estates

Mr. O’Cain will confirm that the new bond is in place for Bella Estates, 155-157 North Main Street.


Mr. O’Cain stated that the Capobianco family’s fence was not installed, information he found out from the homeowner. Mr. Lauenstein also commented that the two new lawns installed look like turf that may not comply with the requirement of deep-rooted, drought-tolerant grass in the Planning Board’s decision. Mr. O’Cain agreed to verify if the lawns were properly installed. Ms. Price moved to authorize Town Engineer, Peter O’Cain to use his discretion in placing a stop work order at Bella Estates if the Capobianco fence is not installed by 12/23/09. Mr. Milowe seconded the motion. The Board voted 4-0-0 in favor. 


Eisenhower Drive

Mr. O’Cain let the Board know that after Eisenhower Drive Extension was accepted at Town Meeting, an “as-built” plan was created which shows how everything was installed with respect to the utilities. The Board needs to sign the plan.


Mr. O’Cain presented a bond reduction request for Jon Shocket, developer of Eisenhower Drive LLC, 6 Huron Drive, Natick, Massachusetts, 01760 for the Eisenhower Drive Extension Subdivision. The new bond was to be set at $33,000, a reduction of $14,000. The Engineering Division of the Department of Public Works recommended this reduction. Ms. Price moved to reduce the bond to $33,000 and Mr. Milowe, seconded the motion. The Board voted 4-0-0.


Letter of Credit

Mr. Milowe said that he met with Sharon Finance Director Bill Fowler to discuss the use of a standard letter of credit for use by developers or whoever is posting the bond. Mr. Milowe also had a conversation with Attorney Gelerman and Attorney Amara who stated that the letter of credit format cannot be regulated and it may not be in the Board’s best interest to do so. The Planning Board can state in the regulations a certain letter to use. The Board cannot create an article to enforce a particular letter’s use, but as a body the Board can create its own rule and hope developers comply voluntarily. Mr. Lauenstein asked how a rule is created and Mr. O’Cain replied that a vote from the Board can allow the editing of the bylaws (Subdivision Regulations). Mr. Milowe said he wants to receive the language from Attorney Gelerman first. The goal is to minimize the Town’s risk of default.


Changes to the Planning Board Regulations

Mr. O’Cain said that he wants to make changes to the fee structure charged for review of such items as ANR plans which he may need to review several times. At present he does not believe the fees charged are adequate for the services provided.


Housing Plan

Mr. Hauser reviewed the current housing plan for Sharon. He said that 10% of housing needs to be affordable in order to exempt the town from 40B. He stated that Sharon was running an 11.2% gap and suggested ways to close the gap which include building our own housing and making it affordable, and refurbishing existing homes and designating them as affordable. He said apartments are better to use to satisfy the goals because they all count towards the town’s 40B quota. Mr. Hauser reviewed the Affordable Housing Production Plan document from June, 2005 and pointed out what currently exists and potential needs.  Mr. Lauenstein commented that we need to update the housing production plan by the end of 2010. We need to gather information from 2003 to the present regarding how many building permits have been taken. Mr. O’Cain agreed to gather these numbers.


Meeting Minutes

Ms. Price moved to approve the meeting minutes of 12/2/09 as amended. Mr. Milowe seconded the motion. The Board voted 4-0-0 in favor.



Ms. Price moved to adjourn the Planning Board meeting at 10:00 PM. Mr. Milowe seconded the motion and the Board voted 4-0-0 in favor.